H5游戏巨头BoosterMedia收购Hallpass BoosterMedia公司简介
发布于:2014-09-10 17:11:03 来源:77313游戏网
近日,屡获殊荣的HTML5游戏发行商BoosterMedia宣布,收购了位于洛杉矶的网页游戏(微博)网络Hallpass Media,本次交易以现金方式完成。通过此次交易,BoosterMedia得到了600万的新增月活跃用户(MAU),同时还获得了Girlgames.com、Cookinggames.com和Wordgames.com等知名品牌。
BoosterMedia创始人兼首席执行官劳伦斯卢顿(Laurens Rutten)表示,通过此次收购不仅BoosterMedia的玩家人数增加了两倍,而且也让他们拥有了强大的网页游戏品牌,此次收购是有里程碑意义的,他们有志于成为全球HTML5游戏领军企业。
BoosterMedia公司简介Publishing casual and social HTML5 games worldwide
BoosterMedia is the front-runner in the development, distribution and monetization of HTML5 games. We develop casual and social games within our in-house Game Studio and distribute games from third-party developers. Reaching millions of gamers every month.
BoosterMedia was founded in late 2009 and has an ambitious and innovative team with over 50 colleagues from all over the world. Our headquarters and studio are located in the center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with satellite offices in Tokyo, São Paulo and Singapore.
Reaching over 12 million active users per month
BoosterMedia distributes games via its white label solutions for media companies, games websites, telecom operators and handset manufacturers. In addition to this partner network, our Hallpass subsidiary business includes more than a dozen direct-to-consumer web destinations for casual gamers.
Altogether, BoosterMedia now reaches more than 12 million active gamers every month on smartphone, tablet or desktop PC. By constantly increasing our reach, BoosterMedia strives to create scalability advantages and maximize revenue potential for both our game developers and distribution partners.
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